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История №968064

privet AL., hihi Aleksandr, Hello Mr.Antoni Marti Petit

I have seen your picture in Internet and recollect that you are the relative of my neighbour Mrs.Tamara Magasiner (Cheskij)
former USSR Kiev Novo-Okruzhnaya str.3 kv.75 and Mr.Misha(Mihail) Magasiner (Cheskij). They both are very kind , but I can not find them. May be you can send me the addresses , email and the phone numbers of them.
My brother does not have them.
I am Mila from the same house kv.77.
As I know Tamara lives in Israel in Akko. ( few more relatives are near me)
I know you since your approx.6-7 years and I recollect that Misha was infant( old women in Kiev liked small Misha and names him - russian -любимец (самый симпатичный на улице) instead infant

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