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История №876059

Dear Sirs from army of USA.
I am an engineer of telecommunication. Years 1994-2000 I was the chef of telex exchange of Ukraine. According to the order Mrs.Nastenko and I made the proejct for Internet damages with the spezialists from Kasahstan, USA Army. It was the secret proejct. I had left this job 2000. Now there are the strange signals of this proejct-I suppose there are the technical damages Kiev ATS278, and does not exist in Kiev Vladimirskaya 10 these signals can not be abroad or outside Kiev, in particular in Germany. I do not need to take care about this project-I do not work by Ukrtelecom

I have informed Ukrtelecom few times , but they do not know how to solve them.
Would you solve them, I try to write you, but it take money,my attempts were not succesfully.

It was promised by you for me any help , which I need. Now I live in Germany and need your help because of mobbing, remobbing EPLUS against me as soon as possible. I wait for your reply during 10 days
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